11 Prayers For Driving


Driving could be considered a fun-filled, relaxing, convenient kind of sport. If you are a regular or even occasional driver, you’ve probably heard that there’s no need to worry about your safety while behind the wheel. Although it has positive benefits, it also has its dangers, including loss of lives and incurring temporary to permanent disabilities through car road accidents.

Statistics show that most car accidents are caused by factors other than driving—but there are always some things you can do to improve your chances of avoiding injury or worse.

Have you ever been driving on the road and felt something wasn’t right? You suddenly realized that the entire trip was not turning out as planned. Maybe you were getting sick or had an accident. I know it can be overwhelming when things aren’t going your way.

With a series of reports of car accidents, it is pertinent to tackle such problems through a spiritual angle. Asking God to be in control, guidance, and safekeeping of the wheels is not absurd, and God is on the wheels, which guarantees a sense of safety and relaxation.

If you’re looking for a few prayers, go with us and learn how we can be protected while in our vehicles. Whatever the reason, these prayers are going to help. They guide you through the situation and ensure things will go smoothly; these 11 prayers for driving will be helpful for you.

Prayers For Driving

Having heard about tragic and horrible stories from car driving accidents, you would be wondering how to protect yourself to drive safely to your destination spiritually. Do not worry; this article will give out prayer points suitable to use whenever you want to go. Peruse the 11 prayers for moving for safe travels.


1 Prayer Before Embarking On A Driving Journey

Prayer Before Embarking On A Driving Journey

Dear Father, I pray you to keep everyone on the road safe as I begin this journey.

Let your light and love be with my fellow drivers and me.

I ask that you help us be watchful, alert, and in charge of our vehicles so we don’t hurt anyone.

Let your angels be on all sides as we proceed and clear off all potential dangers set up by the Devil to destroy us.

I don’t know the calamitous traps the Devil has set on the road, dear Lord, protect and safeguard me

I look forward to your strength and pray for your loving kindness to abide with us as we begin this journey.

Let me encounter only good things in my journey. Let me be competent and robust to handle any difficulty on the road.

Let me pay attention to road signs. Divert my attention from the wrong things.


May I not jam pedestrians and other cars and endanger the lives of others doing their daily activities.

Let me reach my destination without injury. Thank you for the protection and blessings I will encounter on this journey.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


2. Prayers For Safety During A Driving Practice

Prayers For Safety During A Driving Practice

Eternal Lord, thank you for granting me the favor of seeing today.

My driving test date has been chosen. Lord, I pray that you give me a successful driving test today.

Show me the grace to look away from any form of distractions.

Direct the traffic in my favor and prevent the enemy from pulling a quick one on me.

Give me the ability to recall all I have learned on the highway codes perfectly.

I pray that you keep me safe during my driving practice, as this is a delicate time as I try to gain mastery of the art of driving.

Give my tutor wisdom to handle me with care and imbibe the correct procedures to become a careful driver.

Provide your ceaseless light and love. Send your spirit of alertness and vigilance to overpower me.

May I not lean on my understanding but by your ways.

Be in control of my car and do not allow any harm to come to me.

I ask in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



3. Prayers To Terminate Driving Anxiety

Prayers To Terminate Driving Anxiety

Heavenly Father, let me be vigilant and realize when I need to take a break from driving.

Let me look out for and keep my fellow drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe to get to where we are going.

I lay before you my panic and anxiety at Your feet. Remind me of Your power and grace when my fears and worries crush me.

Fill me with Your peace and strength. I need you to teach me the art of patience, calmness, and vigilance.

Cause my head and heart to be clear of fear and anxiety to avoid road mishaps.

Let your spirit overshadow my fear, worries, and anxiety as I mount this steering, for I do not know what the road holds.

I need your presence now more than ever. I need your propping; encircle your guarding and comforting hands around my dizzy head.

Hold me near your heart and hands, and make me understand that you are always with me.


Remind me of your love, mercy, grace, and patience by warding off fears and anxieties emanating from driving.

Thank you for watching over me and all these I request in Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen


4. Prayers For Driving In Bad Weather

Prayers For Driving In Bad Weather

Lord Jesus, you are my Rock and salvation. When storms roll through, you provide shelter.

In times of danger, you provide safety. You serve as my fortress and my defense.

I am driving in bad weather; please take over the steering, the wheel, and the engine.

Direct my paths, for I can’t see anymore. Keep me calm and steadfast.

As I drive in this stormy weather to catch up with an emergency, Lord, please guide and protect me.

I come into your mighty presence and seek your unreserved protection.

Help me storm through this weather; let me be in front while a tree branch breaks at the back.

Let me be at the back while you move away all dangers in Infront.

Though I feel as if I’m crushed, Lord Jesus fills me up for this unavoidable journey. Emergency calls, yet it is stormy.


As you calmed the raging sea when the boat you traveled almost sank, speak into this atmosphere and get rid of every evil lurking around.

Display your mighty powers again as I entrust this journey into your perfect hands. I cannot survive this journey without your interference, guidance, and protection.

Be with me all through this journey as I implore with the unmatched name of my Lord and Saviour.



5. Prayers For Protection When Driving

Prayers For Protection When Driving

Gracious God, help me travel well and arrive at my destination joyfully.

Give me steady hands, alert eyes, caution, and flawless control.

Do not allow me to be responsible for any mishaps, injuries, or fatalities that may occur.

Make me tolerant and composed in congested traffic.

Protect me from any errors, accidents, and problems. Protect my passengers with me.

Teach me to obey the traffic signs, drive safely, and go reasonably fast.

There is a frightening journey ahead as I have never plied this route.

Avert my car from colliding with careless drivers; cause my vehicle to avert random accidents.

There are scary stories concerning that route; oh Lord, it makes my journey devoid of harm despite dangerous and frightful tendencies.


I will not be able to withstand any obscene sight of an accident or see anybody suffer any form of calamity due to my driving. I pray that Your grace will always travel with me.

Let your divine hands of protection be around me as I drive. Give me the instinct to identify any prevailing factors that may cause mishaps on time and allow me to rectify or avoid them. I lay my driving in your hands; let everything be within your powers and control.

In Jesus Holy name, I pray, Amen.


6. Prayers For Traveling Families

Prayers For Traveling Families

Lord, your word says  in Psalm 91:11, “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”.

Grant journey mercies and safety to traveling families while driving; I ask for your assistance to the drivers in maintaining their concentration.

Help them to avoid all distractions so that they can see what is going on as they drive; let them see the vehicles surrounding them, for I want them to reach their destination without any accidents.

I plead for protection and sufficiency to last them throughout the journey.

Fill the driver with confidence and competence on this journey.

I believe in your power of deliverance from trouble.

All my request is for assistance as this family is about to go on a trip.

Keep them out of danger as they step into the vehicle.



No matter how busy and dangerous the journey may seem, Oh Lord, surround them with your guardian angels. Be their shield and armor as they journey this moment.

Grant them a safe trip without issues. These families are traveling with their cherished kids, and I ask that you watch over them.

Let them not shed tears over their loved ones. Let the road bring good tidings and not bad news of the Devil.

In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.


7. Prayers To Say During Driving

Prayers To Say During Driving

O Lord, I speak in my heart to you to lead us toward peace, direct our feet toward peace, and help us arrive at our intended destination.

Deliver us from every enemy’s grasp, roadside traps, and all accidents.

Bless our efforts and give us favor in Your eyes and the eyes of everyone who sees us.

We are on a long road, and the car is getting cranky, so I pray that you will keep us safe and in good spirits.

Let the spirit of alertness overwhelm me to help me become responsive to every factor that will cause havoc.

Only your grace will help me remain focused and ignore distractions that may ensue.

I desire a leisurely-filled and safe trip.

Because You are God and You are the One Who Hears Prayer Requests,



I ask that You answer my humble request in Jesus’ name.


8. Prayer of Thanksgiving For A Successful Driving

Prayer of Thanksgiving For A Successful Driving

God, our heavenly Father, your glory fills all creations.

I thank you for your presence that was with us wherever we go.

I give you praise for the protection you granted us as we traveled.

I acknowledge your loving kindness, which surrounded us with your tender care and shielded us from all evil during the journey.

Thank you for bringing us safely to the end of our journey through the intercession of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

I am grateful for the blessings bestowed upon my traveling companions as we drive through dangerous paths.

I appreciate your unwavering watch over us. Your deliverance is a promise you fulfilled by getting us out of harm’s way.

Thank you for the beautiful opportunities of meeting new people on our journey.


Thank you for the love we shared and the things we learned, unlearned, and relearned during the driving.

Thank you for making the children feel fulfilled as they made this journey part of their education. I am grateful for your intervention at times; I needed you.

I pray that you will continue to guide, bless, secure, and keep every evil away from my driving escapades in the future.

I ask for your continued benevolence of journey mercies as you are a powerful God to retain nature on the road ahead.



9. Prayer For A Sense Of Responsibility While Driving

Prayer For A Sense Of Responsibility While Driving

God the Father, thank you for the tremendous grace you have shown me with the gift of life despite bad road encounters projected by the Devil.

Even though I divert from your ways and have wavering faith at some point due to massive attacks, I thank you for being with me.

I beg you, Lord Jesus, to grant me inner, outer, and spiritual peace while discharging my driving duties.

I want everything causing stress, sadness, and sorrow to go away and be healed by you.

Direct my driving course and help me make peace with my adversaries.

My family, place of employment, and everything I get in touch with should be free from conflict.

Let me leave and return and let your angels of peace go before me and remain by my sides.

I pray for strength and the ability to abide by your safe driving practices.



Let me garner the virtues of patience. Remind me to teach the sense of my driving responsibilities, help me see and respect road signs, and drive laws along the road as I go.

Do not let the Devil override my reasoning by giving me thrilling fantasies to ignore driving ethics. I pray to overcome the irresistible desire to overspeed my car.

I pray to be a careful driver and call upon your guiding hands to rest upon my hands for divine support.

In Jesus Glorious name, I pray. Amen.

10. Prayer To Heal From Driving Stress

Prayer To Heal From Driving Stress

Eternal Lord, give me the tranquility and peace you assured me in your word.

Help me to keep in mind that You already know how things will turn out and are there for me throughout the process when I feel overwhelmed by what I can’t predict or plan.

As I center my thoughts and heart on Your promises, help me to have faith in You so that my mind can more readily accept Your Truth.

Help me to take proper care of my body after a driving spree.

I invite the Holy Spirit to massage my body, spirit, and soul to keep in check of frustration and anger emanating from driving stress.

Keep my mind at ease whenever I feel crushed by driving stress.

Heal my mind and let me see that you are the Saviour of my soul, even when fear grips me. Let freedom come to my mind and set me free from all worries.



Help me take one step at a time when stress overwhelms me in all ramifications. I need your calming spirit to dwell in me. Speak sweet peace into my spirit and whisper words of love and comfort to soothe my stressed life.

I believe that each passing day will bring peace to my raging soul. I surrender every moment of my life into your hands. Let your grace restore my evading peace and set me free from the bondage of stress.

I lay every problem associated with driving that could cause me stress. Help me to focus on the fact that you love me and that nothing can puncture the peace in my heart and replace it with fear, anxiety, and stress.



11. A General Prayer For Driving

My God, I surrender all drivers into your precious hands. Give them the patience to deal with overbearing circumstances and people.

Make them understand and deal accordingly with impaired drivers. Let them exercise patience and obey all traffic rules. Give them the wisdom to know when and how to get a break in order not to break down.

Refill them physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically with your spirit. Surround everyone driving with your peace, joy, and contentment.

Thank you for taking control of the wheels. Protect and save drivers from calamity to reach their destination.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Final Thoughts

These prayers are short and straightforward, but they can help you face incidents while driving. These prayers can prevent you from going apart or being controlled by your emotions, deciding other consequences.

Committing your driving to the hands of God through prayers will make you feel good, connected, and supported. Looking for help outside of God is a waste because God is the Ultimate Saviour. There is no specific time to offer these prayers, as God is an accessible God. Do not wait until you are threatened with the horrors of driving before you consider praying to God.

I hope your search for unique prayers for driving will stop at this blog post. Remain blessed as you make God your focal point in your driving quest.


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